An important part of your match relationship is to grow and learn together.
By helping your Little learn how to select and achieve goals now, you’re helping them develop tools for successful goal setting as adults. Not only is goal setting important for your Little’s development, but it can also be great for relationship development within your match.
For example, working on Match Goals with your Little can: help your match with activity planning; promote bonding through the shared experience of trying something new together; increase opportunities for role modeling and demonstrating your role as a mentor; and shake things up from your normal routine!
Developed by our Match Support Team, the “MAP – Match Achievement Plan” is the perfect tool to use when developing Match Goals with your Little. The Map offers Bigs and Littles guidance on setting meaningful goals, with input from Parents/Guardians, and helps chart the course with action steps. Goals are set within three main categories which include Personal Development, Learning, and Good Citizenship.
Click here to print your “MAP” and get started building your Match Achievement Plan!
Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Match Activities are events with a purpose.
While we have always strived to provide Bigs and Littles with a variety of free and low-cost events, we will now also showcase how involvement in our events helps foster important areas within youth development.
As all Bigs and Littles are setting Match Goals in the areas of culture, education, social/communication, physical/healthy living and service learning, we want to provide you with a tool to showcase how our activities can help fulfill these Match Goal areas.
With REACH activities you will know what goals are being targeted. You have the chance to engage in activities that help foster:
- R – Recreation and Social Competency
- E – Education and Life Skills
- A – Art and Culture
- C – Community Engagement
- H – Health and Well-Being
Each invite will show you which area an event will focus on (and some events could address several areas at once). Look at the header at the top of each Match Activity email to see in which area the event is classified.